My Color, My Personality

作者:彭平    发布时间:2012/9/28    浏览:562

My Color, My Personality

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! I’m honored to be here to make my speech. My topic today is My Color, My Personality”.

There is no denying that different people have their different favorite colors. As a matter of fact, it has been discovered through trials and errors that colors can reflect an individual’s personality. My color is purple, which is some kind of elegant and breathtaking color. I pick out the color purple to represent my personality for some specific reasons. Firstly, I don’t think I am always a total gentleman, let alone a person of elegance, but I show respect for those who have good characters and qualities. I think I will be a real gentleman some day through study and practice. Secondly, as a classical music Purple Passion suggests, purple also symbolizes one’s passion for something. I would make every effort to do what I want once I have made up my mind.

In a word, purple makes my life colorful and hopeful.

That’s all. Thank you!

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