
作者:彭平    发布时间:2017/6/21    浏览:318


The idea originated in the USA and has been officially celebrated there on the third Sunday in June since 1966. However,the exact origins of what we now know as Father’s Day are disputed.(父亲节的想法起源于美国,1966年起将日期正式确立为6月的第三个星期日。不过,我们现在熟知的父亲节的确切起源仍存在争议。)

Dance With My Father与父共舞

Back when I was a child, 小时候,

 Before life removed all the innocence, 天真懵懂。

My father would lift me high,父亲会把我高高举起,

And dance with my mother and me, 跟我和母亲一起翩翩起舞。

And then... 然后,

Spin me around til' I fell asleep,抱着我转圈,直到我入睡。

Then up the stairs he would carry me,父亲会把我抱上楼。

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