南中升旗仪式 美国校长讲话

作者:石固宁    发布时间:2016/3/29    浏览:392

南中升旗仪式 美国校长讲话











Hello, I’d like to first introduce myself.  My name is David Williamson, and I’m a middle school science teacher at the O’Neal School in North Carolina in the United States of America.  Since I was very young I knew the natural world would play an important role in my life, as I’ve always been someone who seeks out nature.  Although I can’t quite justify calling myself a scientist, I feel very comfortable qualifying myself as a keen observer of things that happen around me.


What I’d like to share today are some of these observations.  I arrived for the first time ever in China about a week ago.  In that week I’ve had the privilege of visiting many historically significant sights in both Beijing and Xi’an, and I’ve seen nature take center stage in all of these sights.

株洲市南方中学 学校地址:株洲市芦淞区董家塅

