(本网讯)课堂观摩讨论周,是株洲市教育局中英合作教师培训项目的第三阶段。10月14日,我校迎来了英方培训师Fraser Bewick前来我校观摩指导高中英语教学。
在观摩徐亚辉老师的课前,培训师Fraser Bewick给我校八位学员发放观摩课堂评估记录表,指导教师们正确使用记录表,以便及时记录所观察课堂的情况。徐老师的课教学目标明确,教学活动针对性强,且有创意,学生积极参与课堂,教学目标达成度高。观摩结束后,我校纪委书记周亚娟女士和英语教研组长贺静宇老师,同暑假参加中英合作的英语教师,一起参加约3小时认真且快乐的讨论环节中。该讨论主要以徐老师的课为例,从高中英语教学的教学目的、教学活动、教学评价、教师在教学实践过程中遇到的困难等方面,进行了系统且有针对性的探讨。
The introduction of Fraser Bewick
Fraser Bewick is a British Council trainer with over 14 years' training experience in the China region. He is a qualified Cambridge CELTA tutor and has worked on numerous off-site teacher-training initiatives for local language schools and institutions in Beijing and northern China. He has many years of teacher training and management experience within major language schools in China, including experience in managing and mentoring new foreign teachers arriving in China and creating development courses for resident teachers. He was also the project manager of the 'Road Trip' and 'Uplink' series of textbooks for Teens and Primary education - a new series of textbooks to be launched in Vietnam for a major language school franchise - where he also created both scope and sequence and teaching content. In addition, he has over 6 years’ experience working with one of China's major publishing houses (People's Education Press) where he was instrumental in planning and creating a series of textbooks now accepted by the Chinese Ministry of Education for primary education. The PEP primary textbooks are now in circulation China-wide. Fraser is now a consultant trainer for the British Council, Beijing office. His work involves training throughout China.