1. 塞翁失马 a blessing in disguise, a loss may turn out to be a gain
2. 一马当先 be the first, take the lead
3. 汗马功劳 distinctions won in battle, one's contribution in work
4. 单枪匹马 do something single-handedly
5. 老马识途 an old hand is the best guide, an old horse knows the way
6. 马到成功 win instant/speedy success
7. 秣马厉兵 be combat-ready, (feed the horses and sharpen the weapons) make active preparations for war
8. 走马观花 give a hurried and cursory glance at, cast only a passing glance at
9. 天马行空 an unrestrained and vigorous style of imagination (that brims with talent)
10. 悬崖勒马 pull back before it's too late