株洲市南方中学 刘正芳 刘智宇412002
【概要】《英语课程标准》要求“鼓励学生通过体验、实践、讨论、合作、探究等方式,发展听、说、读、写的综合语言技能”。本文阐述了在 “合作学习理论”指导下进行的高三英语试卷讲评课的过程与反思。实践表明:“小组合作学习”试卷讲评,改变了过去那种以教师为课堂主角,学生被动听讲的课堂模式,提高了学生在试卷讲评课中的参与意识。它有助于增强学生学习英语的信心,提高学生的英语学习兴趣,转变学生的英语学习态度;它有助于增强学生的主体意识,提高英语试卷讲评课的教学质量和效益。
关键词:合作学习 试卷讲评 过程与反思
Abstract: According to National ETT Curriculum for Senior High School, we are encouraged to develop students’ abilities to speak, listen, read and write by experiencing, practicing, discussing, cooperating and inquiring. In this essay, I will discuss about the solution strategy learning procedure and teaching feedback of the English paper explanation in Senior three under the guidance of the “cooperative learning”. It is proved that this teaching nad learning strategy has contributed to great changes. On the one hand, the past teacher-centered class has been changed into the student-centered one. On the other hand, the students have improved their awareness of invovling the whole teaching activities and the whole process of study. Therefore, it is helpful to enhance the students’ confidence, arouse their English learning interest, change their attitudes towards English learning, strengthen their awareness of the learner-centered theory and improve the efficiency and quality of a class, infusing the whole class with new life.
体验任务环 教师根据考试或练习情况,要求学生在没有给出参考答案之前自主学习,自读试卷并提出疑难,体验任务,初步分析试卷或练习结果,总结成功,分析出错的原因,进行自行思考和知识准备, 并初步解决问题。这种体验问题的策略让学生学会了正确的自我肯定与否定,对