
作者:徐亚辉    发布时间:2021/6/30 19:51:00    浏览:346



单思敏:The Harvest of This Competition from Simin Shan.

Actually,I didnt win the fantastic prize in this competition.And I still need to make continuous progress.But I would like to share some feelings I got.

Firstly,I really learned a large number of new words as well as sentences which are of use during the preparation of this competition.And under the force of the competition,I remember them very well.I dont think I will master them well like this in my normal study and life.Secondly,it was this competition that made me realize that the self-confidence is really an important quality.I saw many competitors who were confident on the stage.And they just looked like stars shinning in the sky.What is more important is that when you are confident,your photos will be pretty good!So,whatever you meet,just believe that you can reach it.Last but not least,reading English aloud really helps a lot,especially for English study.

Well,no matter how the consequence is,I truly enjoy this competition.Maybe that is the most important thing in this competition.I want to end this short passage with a sentence from President Xi.However high the mountain is,if you keep climbing,youll come to the summit;however long the journey is,if you keep walking,youll certainly arrive at the destination.

审编 杨斯琦

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