TEENS共同战“疫” Time to try new things

作者:徐亚辉    发布时间:2021/8/31 23:45:00    浏览:222


Time to try new things


Time to try new things00:0002:26

Since the novel coronavirus outbreak, many families have been told to stay safe inside their homes. This may have been nice at first, but now you are probably bored. We’ve got some suggestions for you to beat the blues.

One important thing, of course, is to keep active. While it can be tempting (诱人的) to sit down all day, make sure you get up to get your blood flowing. Stretching (拉伸), sit-ups or push-ups are all easy exercises to do at home. Make sure to keep up a daily exercise routine. You can even find live-streaming (直播的) workout classes online so you aren’t alone.

Now is also the perfect time to learn a new skill. Coding (编程),  drawing, playing a new instrument – the options are endless. You can browse (浏览) the thousands of how-to videos online to learn just about anything. Who needs to take extra classes when you can just watch videos and learn for free?

If you don’t trust food delivery during this time, you’ll need to cook your own food. Don’t place the responsibility for making food on your family alone – it’s a great time to practice preparing a meal for your parents. You can try your hand at folding the perfect dumplings, prepare a variety of meat and vegetables for homemade hot pot, or make use of your oven and bake yourself a pizza or some cookies.

Though the virus outbreak is a serious matter, it’s important to maintain a sense of humor and stay positive. Internet users have been flooding online with memes about the virus. For example, the lack of surgical masks has also produced some interesting innovations (创新) with ways to cover your mouth and nose: fruit, plastic containers and bags have all been used as mask replacements (替代物). Some young people even airbrush (修图) masks on WeChat avatars (头像). Seeing pictures of these unique masks is sure to make you laugh. 

It’s true that staying at home will breed boredom sometimes, but it’s also an opportunity to try new things. You now have more time to do all the things you were too busy to get started before. 

What are you waiting for? Get to it!



Topic: How to beat 1. ________ during home


2. ________

Activities you can do

Keep active

Keep up a daily exercise 

3. ________ and do exercises like stretching, sit-ups or push-ups, or taking live-streaming 

4. ________ classes online.

Learn a new

5. ________

Learn through online 

6. ________ videos about coding, drawing, playing a new instrument, etc.

Cook your own food

7. ________ cooking such as making dumplings, hot pot, pizza, or cookies.

Maintain a sense of humor and stay 

8. ________

9. ________ more, for example, by looking at funny online memes

Conclusion: You can take the quarantine period as an opportunity to try something 

10. ________ or do things that you didn’t have time to do. 


1. boredom     2. Tips/Suggestions/Advice   

3. routine     4. workout     5. skill     6. how-to

7. Practice/Try     8. positive     9. Laugh     

10. new


审编 杨斯琦

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