Winter Solstice 冬至习俗知多少?

作者:徐亚辉    发布时间:2021/12/30 22:16:00    浏览:398


冬至是中国传统二十四节气(the 24 traditional Chinese solar terms)中的第二十二个节气,英文为Winter Solstice。冬至发生在12月21日-12月23日之间。冬至当天,太阳几乎直射南回归线(Tropic of Capricorn),在这天,北半球的白昼时间达到一年最短,夜晚时间达到一年最长。


Eating dumplings 


During Winter Solstice in North China, eating dumplings is essential to the festival. There is a saying that goes "Have dumplings on the first day of Winter Solstice and noodles on the first day of Summer Solstice".


Eating wontons 

People in Suzhou, Jiangsu province, are accustomed to eating wontons in midwinter. According to legend, during the midwinter feast 2,500 years ago, the King of Wu (one of the states during the Western Zhou Dynasty and the Spring and Autumn Period) was disgusted with all kinds of costly foods and wanted to eat something different. Then, the beauty Xishi came into the kitchen to make "wontons" to honor the king's wish. He ate a lot and liked the food very much. To commemorate Xishi, the people of Suzhou made wontons the official food to celebrate the festival。


Eating tangyuan 

In places such as Shanghai, people eat tangyuan, a kind of stuffed small dumpling ball made of glutinous rice flour to celebrate Winter Solstice。


Eating mutton and vermicelli soup 

In Yinchuan, Ningxia Hui autonomous region, people call midwinter the "Ghost Festival". On that day, it is customary for people there to drink mutton and vermicelli soup and eat the dumplings in the soup. They give the midwinter soup a strange name "brain" and share it with their neighbors。


Offering nine-layer cakes to ancestors 


Taiwan residents keep the custom of offering nine-layer cakes to their ancestors. People with the same surname or family clan gather at their ancestral temples to worship their ancestors in order of their ages. After the sacrificial ceremony, there is always a grand banquet。


Eating red-bean and glutinous rice 


In some regions south of the Yangtze River on the first day of Winter Solstice, the whole family gets together to have a meal made of red-bean and glutinous rice to drive away ghosts and other evil things。


Winter Solstice is the most important solar term and festival in winter in China. Ancient Chinese regarded it as an auspicious day, because the days would get longer after that day. Families reunited and worshipped gods and ancestors on the day in ancient times. For these reasons, there are many Winter Solstice poems being handed down. Here are five of the most beautiful Winter Solstice poems to appreciate.


The Most Famous Love Poem on Winter Solstice




Missing Xiangling on Winter Solstice Night


I can’t see my lover, and quilt is too cold to touch.


Both of us sleep alone; how can we spend the longest night??

Xiangling was the author’s first lover, who grew up with the author as a neighbor. They fell in love but were not allowed to meet because their families were not matched in social status. Later, Bai Juyi went to Chang’an to pursue his study and career. Later, he wrote many poems to praise and mourn Xiangling.


Bai Juyi lay on the bed and could not sleep, especially on the Winter Solstice when other families reunited to celebrate the festival. Given that, he felt lonely and missed his lover much more. It is the most famous Winter Solstice poem about love.


Homesick Poem on the Festival




Homesick Winter Solstice Night in Handan


At the courier station of Handan on Winter Solstice night, my arms clasping my knees, only my shadow is accompanying me.


My family might sit for a long time, talking about me now at this moment.?

This Winter Solstice poem is a vivid description of being homesick. The author was in the courier station in Handan and he cannot get home for the family reunion on the Winter Solstice. The weather was so cold, making him feel even lonelier and he clasped his arms around his knees to keep warm physically and mentally. Missing his family, he expected that they might stay up late to miss and talk about him far away.


Nostalgic Poem from an Old Soul




Winter Solstice


Far from my hometown on Winter Solstice every year, I’m in such sorrow for my poverty.


Gaunt on the river far away from home, I miss my family so much.


Facing the valley with a stick, I think of old glorious days in the palace.


Every time at this moment, I feel lost and upset.?

This Winter Solstice poem was written by Du Fu in his late years, when he had been living a wandering life for many years. On the Winter Solstice, he was poor and stood at the valley’s edge with a stick, while others reunited with families to celebrate the festival happily. He can’t help missing his family and cherishing the memory of old days in the imperial palace. Each time when he thought of these and compared with his present life, he was quite upset and felt lost.


Ode to Longer Daytime after Winter Solstice




Shortened Magnolia Flowers Tune (a kind of poem pattern)


Clouds fell away at this dawn; day would be longer since then.


The socks for elders are newly woven; the custom should be handed down.


Warmer and warmer, shadow would also be shorter.


As night turns to be shorter, weights for timing should also be reduced. ?

The author recorded that day time would be longer and longer, night time would be shorter and shorter, and the shadows would be shorter and shorter since that day. In addition, this Winter Solstice poem recorded an important custom. On this day, the young generations should send socks to the elders, in order to keep them warm as well as to send good wishes.


The Most Optimistic Poem on Winter Solstice




Azolla Tune (a kind of poem pattern)


Spring sprouts in the cold winter; the aroma of new vanilla leaves fills in the valley.


After the sunrise tomorrow, it would be a new wonderful year.


Don’t be thinking about medicines all the time; write a new poem at the solar term.


It’s not a forced smile; I merely revel in fantastic nature.


The day is long and I slept well. But when will things outside be satisfactory?


It would be better to gather with like-minded friends to have a great time on this day.


We make good wine and study the ancient musical notations.


Even though I can’t be drunk all the time, I am free at the moment.?

Different from other Winter Solstice poems, this poem is free from traditions. The author didn’t follow the festival customs, but spent his Winter Solstice with like-minded friends to enjoy his time in wine, music, poetry, painting, etc. He wouldn’t be trapped with mortal things, and he was free. His optimistic spirit influences everyone who reads this poem.


审编 杨斯琦

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