Ten thousand miles(演讲稿) 2014班 朱琦琳

作者:刘亚波    发布时间:2022/4/12 13:49:00    浏览:164

Good morning, distinguished judges and friends. The title of my speech for today is The fast developed transportation has made tens of thousands of miles far from a problem.

Do you know, in Tang Dynasty, how long it took before Yang Guifei ate the Lichi specially sent to her from the south of the Five Ridges? It took far more than 10 days. Now, here is an apple, which is from Sandong province and it came to me in just two days. It is because of the express delivery. Actually, nowadays, if we want to buy something, no matter where it comes from, once we have placed an order, we can get it in a short time. It is the express delivery that makes tens of thousands of miles an amazingly short distance.

There is an English proverb, where theres a will, theres a way. Id like to say where there is CRH, there is Chinese speed. Before the invention of CRH, homesick migrant workers had few chances to see their parents and children left in their hometown because the journey back home took them too long a time. With CRH, they can come back home in almost every holiday to see their parents and children , enjoying the reunion of their family.  I am determined to study in a university in Beijing in the future. Though it is distant from my hometown, whenever I feel homesick, I can go back home quickly to feel the warmth from my family. It is CRH that makes tens of thousands of miles an amazingly short distance.   
    Last month athletes from different countries, which are far away from China, came to take part in Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games by plane, where they not only pursued the Olympic spirit, but also made friends, experienced Chinese culture and shared their own culture with others. It is planes that made athletes tens of thousands of miles away get together in Beijing like a family.    

In the future, I am sure, with the convenience of developed transportation and the fast development of our country, more and more people will come to China to experience rich Chinese culture, enjoy the the magnificent mountains and rivers in China and the hospitality of the Chinese people. All in all, the highly developed transportation will make the world a smaller one. Being tens of thousands of miles apart wont be a problem at all, and nor will the world peace.

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