英语读后续写习作 2014 黄子恺

作者:刘亚波    发布时间:2022/4/12 13:58:00    浏览:354

In a moment, Bill was up and running. I couldn’t think of anything but to follow him closely. I could even feel the air hitting my face and I was totally worn out. Naturally, my pace slowed down. Just at the moment, Barry’s words “Just follow Bill” called me back. I refreshed up again and accelerated and soon I was quite close to Bill again. Filled with confidence, I headed for the finishing line. The gun cracked again, announcing the last 200 meters. I closed my eyes, threw my head back and ran with my last ounce of strength, in the direction of the dream line.

I didn’t know when I crossed the line. I still kept running on when a thunderous applause burst, which signaled the birth of the champion. I stopped and opened my eyes and saw my camp of kids and the camp counsellor gathering around me. “We have won the race! We are the champion!” they shouted and cheered, throwing me in the air. Showered with hugs and applause and whistles, I felt a surge of gaiety sweeping over me. To me, the race meant more than a champion; it well proved that I was not a loser as an athlete and that I could further explore my potential.

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