
作者:刘亚波    发布时间:2022/6/11 9:01:00    浏览:114

第二节 情景作文(共1小题,满分20分)


注意: 1.请勿提及与考生相关的真实信息;


Recently our class holds a discussion about whether it is necessary for students to take many extracurricular classes. Different students hold different opinions about it.

Some students are in favor of it. On the one hand, they think they will have more chances to show their talents and at the same time they can also make friends. On the other hand, they can improve their ability in other aspects. However, some students disagree. They think many extracurricular classes will make them busier and tired. That will influence their schoolwork.

In my opinion, it is good for us to take many extracurricular classes. First, we will learn a lot from their classes, which will be good for us in the future. Second, we will have different ways to relax after a week's study.

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