
作者:刘亚波    发布时间:2022/10/20 8:33:00    浏览:151


1. 学校的活动项目;

2. 你最喜欢的活动及原因。



Dear Jim,

It’s pleasure to receive your email asking me about the physical activities of our school and I’d love to share them with you. We have many different kinds of activities, such as playing basketball, football, volleyball, running, going skiing and so on.

As for me, my favorite sport is running, from which I benefit a lot. First, running is good for my health. Second, I, as you may know, am busy preparing for my college entrance examination. Running can make me relaxed some time. Besides, I like the feeling of running around on the playground, enjoying the sunshine and breathing the fresh air.

How about you? I am so curious about your physical activities in Britain. I’m looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua

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