
作者:刘亚波    发布时间:2022/11/26 8:54:00    浏览:160


May 18, 1986, was the kind of beautiful, sunny day that regularly brought the Rodriguez family to Santa Catalina Island for some fishing on their nine-metre pleasure boat, the DC Too. They spent the day fishing in the Pacific Ocean, then left the island in the early evening.

Soon thick fog rolled in. Louise fell into a light sleep beside her five-year-old sister, Trisha, at a table on the boat’s lower deck. Their father’s sharp orders frightened her awake: “Get out of the boat. It’s sinking!” Louise pushed her sister into the cold, dark water. The girls were followed by their mother, Petra Rodriguez. Both girls wore life jacketsbut the adults did not. Within seconds, the boat capsized, leaving just the tip of its bow in the air.

After some time, her father told them he would swim for help. Louise watched him disappear into the darkness. A while later, her mother went still. Then her sister died, too.

Pisano and Strasser, both 25, were going on a fishing expedition. The fog was so thick that they couldn’t even see the stern(船尾)of the boat. They decided to try one more spot before going home. Late that afternoon, the fog cleared and the sun started shining. On their return voyage, about 11 kilometres away from Catalina Island, Pisano noticed something yellow floating in the water.

Strasser steered(驾驶)the boat closer and Pisano jumped into the water. He swam toward the figure and grabbed the life jacket. Fortunately, Louise was saved and quickly sent to hospital. The little girl soon recovered, but the search for Louise’s father, sister and mother was in vain.  

Louise was adopted by her aunt and uncle. She attended college, got married in 2013 and gave birth to a son. In her late 20s, Louise began to wonder about her rescuers. She even tried to find them but no luck. One day, Louise came across a magazine article featuring Pisano talking about the 1986 rescue.


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Realizing Pisano was the very person she was looking for, Louise decided to find him._                



Louise recognized her rescuer the moment she saw Pisano.                                       



Realizing Pisano was the very person she was looking for, Louise decided to find him. For a very long time, she had been expecting a chance to meet Pisano and Strasser personally and express her gratitude to her rescuers. Without any delay, she contacted the magazine, asking for the detailed information of Pisano. That evening, Louise finally dialed the number. When there came the voice of Pisano, Louise could feel her heart beating wildly. Though it was about 1,000 kilometers from where Pisano lived, Louise was determined to fly to meet Pisano.

Louise recognized her rescuer the moment she saw Pisano. Taking a deep breath, Louise stepped forward and grasped the hands of Pisano tightly. “I’m Louise”, she said, her voice trembling with excitement and tears rolling down her cheeks. Pisano, now in his sixties, hugged Louise and patted her gently. Amid hugs, tears and surprise, Louise’s dream of finding her rescuers came true and now that she’d reunited with them, she hoped to stay connected forever.

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