
作者:刘亚波    发布时间:2023/2/24 14:19:00    浏览:314


Eartha lost her balance and fell heavily onto the floor. “I’ll never be as flexible as you are, Grandma.” she sighed softly.

Eartha’s Grandma had been practising yoga for more than 50 years, who could twist, bend and curl her body with ease. She could even stand on her hands and pull her body into different poses.

“Eartha, your name means ‘patience’.You need patience for yoga,” said her Grandma.

Like many schools in the country,Eartha’ s school held an annual yoga competition. Eartha wanted to make her Grandma proud. But she could hardly stand on one leg.

Grandma returned to the kitchen.Eartha kept practicing hard. She stood straight, her arms at her sides. She moved her hands and knees, arching her back. All of these poses were easy,while the competition was certain to be harder. So she tried more challenging poses, lying on her stomach and pushing up on her hands. Her arms soon got tired and she collapsed to the floor. Eartha wandered into the kitchen.

“Finished already?” asked Grandma.

“It’s hard,” Eartha said. “How did you get to be so strong?”

Grandma smiled. “Patience.”

The next morning, Eartha felt ached and sore all over the body. Her legs hurt so badly from the poses she practiced that she even wanted to quit. However, her grandmother’s words echoed in her mind, and she held the pose for a longer time.

Each day Eartha would practice anew pose, before going over the poses she had practiced the previous few days.With the date of the competition approaching, she started to feel stronger and more flexible. Her arms and legs stopped trembling.

The day of the yoga competition arrived as expected. In the gym, Eartha lay on her back with her knees bent and placed her hands on the floor behind her. Everything went smoothly. Just then,so eager was she to win Grandma’s pride that her poses displayed a mix of impatience, and rigidness. Eartha fell on the mat, which cost her edge over other competitors. A bell rang, ending the first half of the competition.



Thinking she ruined all because of impatience, Eartha looked at the audience for Grandma.              


Calm and confident, Eartha stepped on the stage for the second half of the competition.                     


Thinking she ruined all because of impatience, Eartha looked at the audience for Grandma. Grandma settled at the front seat, kindly smiling and waving to her. Head hanging, Eartha shuffled to Grandma with heavy footsteps.“I’m proud of you!” Grandma whispered softly. Astonished and unexpected, Eartha stared at Grandma with a bit skeptical e-xpression. Although relieved of frustration temporarily, she was increasingly concerned about the next half. Sensing her worries, Grandma asked if she still remembered the meaning of her name. Eartha nodded, reflecting on her hard practices.

Calm and confident, Eartha stepped on the stage for the second half of the competition. Completely relaxed, Eartha immersed herself in poses, letting go of anything that might distract her. So full of patience and balance was every pose that flexibility was perfectly demonstrated, which made her standout among other competitors. When she finished, the whole gym burst into thunderous applause and grandma beamed at her with unprecedented pride. Smiling back, Eartha ultimately understood the significance of patience and calmness.

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