
作者:刘亚波    发布时间:2023/3/20 15:44:00    浏览:228



Dear Sam,

    More than delighted to know that you have a great interest in traditional Chinese medicine and Tu Youyou, I’m writing to share with you what I know about her.

    Born in Zhejiang Province in 1930,Tu Youyou studied medicine at  university.When she  graduated, she had acquired a broad knowledge of both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine.Having known that many people were dying of malaria,Tu Youyou devoted himself to finding a cure for the disease. Under her leadership , her team, through trial and error,succeeded in discovering qinghaosu,enabling patients all over the world to have a greatly increased chance of survival . Consequently,Tu Youyou was awarded for her contribution to the fight against malaria,becoming the first female scientist of China to receive a Nobel Prize.

     I sincerely hope the information above can help you have a better understanding of Tu Youyou and traditional Chinese medicine.                                                                                                                                                                                                 Yours,                                                                                                     Su Hua

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